Bankruptcy of individuals: Oleksandr Skliarenko named 5 main points that should be known to every citizen

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Bankruptcy of individuals: Oleksandr Skliarenko named 5 main points that should be known to every citizen

The most striking short story of the recently adopted Code of Bankruptcy Procedure was the Bankruptcy Institute of Individuals. The idea of introducing it to Ukraine has been delayed for several years, but until the decision of the problem, the legislator's hand reached only today.

The devaluation of the national currency, the difficulty with work, the availability of bank credit and living beyond its abundance - these and many other reasons, taken together and individually can lead to the fact that people get stuck in debt loses interest in life and lowers their hands.

In this case, getting a bankrupt status can be a chance for a person to start living from a blank sheet and not burden their heirs with additional financial obligations. After all, after the judicial procedure, which is rather detailed in the Code, part of the debts is repaid at the expense of the existing property, others - in fact, are forgiven.

Of course, during the procedure itself, and after the announcement of a bankrupt, a person is limited in some rights ... What should one know about a citizen about a new institution, - read in the article by Oleksandr Skliarenko, Managing Partner of "Skliarenko, Sydorenko & Partners" "Living from a blank sheet" for the portal "Economic Truth".

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