The algorithm for registering ownership of land was prepared in the Office of Counteraction to Raiding

Who we are > News > The algorithm for registering ownership of land was prepared in the Office of Counteraction to Raiding

The algorithm for registering ownership of land was prepared in the Office of Counteraction to Raiding

The proper execution of documents confirming the ownership of a land plot, as well as entering information into the State Register of Real Rights to Property is one of the guarantees of protecting one's property from raiders.

That is why, in the case when you have a state act on the land, but it is of the old version, the Office of Counteracting Raiding of the Ministry of Justice advises you to take several steps so that information about your possessions appears in state registers. The ministry is convinced that in this way it is possible to minimize the risks of fraudulent schemes.

First of all, you should take care that the site is assigned a cadastral number, which is a kind of identification code of the land. Without it, today it is impossible to carry out any operations with the site. You can check the availability of a number by coordinates or by locality on the map offered on the State Geocadastre website.

To obtain a cadastral number, you must contact the nearest developer of land management documentation for the production of technical documentation for the establishment (restoration) of the boundaries of a land plot in kind (on the ground).

When the cadastral number has been received, and the correct information about the site is reflected in the State Land Cadastre, it is time to go to the local executive body, to the nearest notary or to the center for the provision of administrative services.

For state registration of ownership of land, you must have a passport and a document that is the basis for the emergence of the right to the plot (state act on ownership, purchase and sale agreement, court decision, certificate of the right to inheritance).

The total period for consideration of the documents is 5 working days. This time can be reduced by paying an increased administration fee. After that, you must be provided with an extract from the State Register of Rights on state registration of ownership of a land plot.

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