Despite quarantine, scheduled inspections of business may resume in Ukraine

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Despite quarantine, scheduled inspections of business may resume in Ukraine

It seems that a fly in the ointment was added to the barrel of honey on the promises of the guarantor of the Constitution on social support for business during the quarantine period. Among other provisions, the presidential bill 4429 envisages the resumption of scheduled inspections.

Earlier, the Law of 03/17/2020 No. 530-IX "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Aimed at Preventing the Emergence and Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)" established a direct prohibition for state supervision (control ) in the field of economic activity, carry out planned verification activities.

Now President Volodymyr Zelensky proposes to abolish this norm (see sub-item 7, item 2, section II of draft No. 4429). If the law is adopted in the version of its draft, the scheduled inspections of the regulatory authorities will be resumed in full.

The Main Scientific and Expert Directorate of the Verkhovna Rada Administration has already criticized this initiative, calling it unfounded. "This approach does not take into account that during the period of quarantine and restrictive measures, business entities are prohibited from engaging in certain types of activities," the Chief Scientific and Expert Directorate notes in the conclusion.

As a reminder, the draft Law No. 4429 "On social support of insured persons and business entities for the period of implementation of restrictive anti-epidemic measures introduced in order to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-Co V-2 coronavirus in Ukraine" was registered in the Verkhovna Happy November 26, 2020.

On December 1, the Verkhovna Rada voted to shorten the deadline for submitting alternative bills. According to experts, this indicates the determination of the authorities to consider and approve the measures proposed by the President as soon as possible.

However, regardless of the results of the revision of the bill, the head of the enterprise will not be superfluous to minimize the legal risks of working in the new conditions.

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